Our Mold Repair Process
When we find repairs are needed, we notify the customer of the issue and often send pictures of the problem. In some cases, other companies will send us their molds that are in need of repair along with information on what they need to be fixed. We start by opening and disassembling the mold to determine the cause of the problem and see what work needs to be done. After analyzing the problem and determining what we think is the best solution, we send the customer a detailed proposal that includes the cost and lead time. Once the customer is satisfied with the proposal and has signed all the paperwork, we begin our work.
Our Mold Modification Process
When someone needs a mold modification, they notify us of the changes they would like to make. We then communicate with the customer, determining what work needs to be done to the mold in order to accomplish their desired output. We then suggest specific modifications to help improve productivity, quality, efficiency, etc. After working with the customer to determine exactly what it is they want, we send them a proposal that outlines the cost and lead time of the project. Once all the paperwork has been completed, we then set about making the necessary alterations to the mold.
Mold Repair & Modification Faqs
Q: Are mold repair & modification considered “necessary maintenance”?
A: Not quite. Maintenance is preventative in nature. Mold repairs and modification work imply fixing something that is broken or making engineering changes to an already existing mold.
Q: What causes a mold to be in need of repair or modification?
A: Usually, it is normal wear and tear. When you have metal-on-metal contact, it’s common for things to wear out. Modifications are usually part improvements or process improvements to help a mold run better or improve its quality.
Q: How long does it take to perform a repair or modification? How long can I expect to wait before my mold is ready?
A: We always put our lead times in our proposals and encourage our customers to contact us ahead of time so we can discuss a timeframe based on how busy we are. We will not over-extend our capacity just to take on new business, which helps us ensure the on-time delivery of our customer’s orders. While we always do everything in our power to hit our target lead time, we will be sure to communicate if there is a delay for any reason.
Q: Do you repair or modify molds that aren’t designed by Bullmould?
A: Yes, we are happy to work with other companies!
Get A Mold Repair Or Modification Quote
Want more information about our mold repair, modification, or maintenance services? Interested in talking with a member of our team about a project? We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with a detailed quote.
Get in touch with us to discuss your mold repair/modification needs today!